About Me

hey friends!

Welcome to Mixed Hues. My name is Annabelle. I’m a sophomore at Penn State University studying Public Relations and Chinese with a minor in Political Science. Mixed Hues is my own little corner of the world where I talk about fashion through my personal lens of self-love, body positivity, and hardcore feminism.

The name “Mixed Hues” is courtesy of Kierra from Naturally Far Out (thanks, girl!). She helped me figure out a name after I told her a bit more about my intentions for this blog. Mixed refers to my identity as a “happa,” or a person of mixed ethnicities. Hues refers to the colors of my hair; from brown to blonde to purple to blue to whatever it is now, my changing hair reflects my changing life. Think of hues as my lens on life, as the many lens through which I view it.

So why fashion and feminism?

Fashion goes beyond trends and nice clothes. Fashion is how one presents oneself; it’s self-expression. For me, specifically, it’s how I  express my creative spirit and maintain my individuality. Part of that individuality is feminism, which is as much a part of my identity as fashion and my happa heritage are.

When I was a lil kiddo, I always had opinions and I always voiced them. In middle school, I struggled with body image like most girls, but finally grew to love myself after learning how to properly take care of myself. Now, hearing about how hard it is for women to be taken seriously in the workplace, experiencing rape culture in college, seeing the objectification of women’s bodies all over mass media, I’ve started to challenge such norms through writing. So be prepared to hear my thoughts on some of the aforementioned topics as we go along, although first and foremost, this blog will be about fashion.

Well, that’s me in a not so small nutshell, I guess. Welcome to my blog! Thanks so much for popping in, and don’t forget to click that follow button on the left for more of my words and thoughts!

much love,
